When it leaks from an AVA GO, it is good to clarify a few things first. This is because it might not be a leak from the machine, but it might look like it.
Leakage from the high-pressure hose towards the machine
If the o-ring on the high-pressure hose is damaged (or missing), there will be a leak. This is a simple matter to fix; The O-ring can be found in the AVA First Aid Kit . This can be obtained from your local AVA dealer or in our online store.
If the machine switches on and off quickly, we have established that there is a leak from the pump, or from the accessories. Release the hose from the machine and check the o-ring on the hose. If this is damaged, the leak may appear to be coming from the inside. If it is sealed here and further out to the gun, the leak is inside the pump and the machine must be opened.
Leakage from water filter/garden hose connection
The second thing you can check is whether the water filter/connection is properly screwed on. If it is leaking from the coupling, this also seems to be coming from the inside. The O-ring on the water filter and the garden hose connector itself are things you can get in the vast majority of hardware stores, department stores and garden centres.
Are the water filter and the connection on the hose tight? Feel free to tighten the water filter and tilt the machine forward a little so that you get an impression of this. If necessary, replace the hose connection and check that the o-ring on the filter is intact. If it's damaged or missing, this is something that's sold everywhere they sell garden hoses and couplings, so should be easy to get hold of. Maybe you can even borrow an o-ring from a garden coupling you have lying around?
Broken water filter
If the water filter has been damaged, this can be bought in our online store.
Is it still leaking?
Then there is a leak from the pump. This is usually one of 2 things: the frost plug in the pump is pushed out or there is a crack in the pump.
Both of these damages are usually caused by frost and are both relatively easy and inexpensive things to fix. We have made a video that describes this in a straightforward way and advises you on how it can be fixed. The pump parts replacement videos are the same as performing a service and are shown here:
Is it leaking from the machine itself?
As you have established that it is leaking from the machine itself, there is still a need to check a few things. The very first thing is to clarify whether it is leaking before the pump or after. When the machine is switched on, it will switch on and off quickly if there is a leak from the pump or accessories, while it will be completely silent in the switched on position if the leak is from the water intake, water filter or hose.
We have created a number of guides for how this can be done, but first give us feedback on what you found out and we will take it from there. On the website you will of course find a lot of information about how to get to the pump, which you can take a closer look at if applicable.
We have also noticed that the water pipe in, or the high-pressure pipe out of the pump has been damaged on machines we have frozen in a test context, and have seen this from customers too. If this is the case on you machine, then the part must be replaced.
At the time of writing we have not found any leaks in an AVA GO that are due to weaknesses in the pump. If you think you have a fault that is not related to frost, and which should be covered by warranty, please contact us here.