When it leaks from an AVA Smart, it is good to clarify a few things first. That's because it might not be a leak from the machine itself, it just looks that way.
Leakage from the high-pressure hose going into the machine
If the o-ring on the high-pressure hose is damaged (or missing), you will quickly get a leak. This o-ring is available in the AVA First Aid kit and can usually be purchased from your local AVA dealer. If they don't have them, you can order in our online store: https://www.avaofnorway.com/
Leakage from water filter/garden hose connection
The other thing you can check is whether the water filter/connection is properly screwed on. The O-ring on the water filter and the garden hose connector itself can be bought in the vast majority of hardware stores and garden centres.
Broken water filter
If the water filter has been damaged, this can be purchased at the same places as the AVA First Aid Kit.
Is it still leaking?
If you have checked this and it is still leaking: then there may be a leak from the pump. Thusfar we have often found the following couple of things to be the culprit: the frost plug in the pump has been pushed out or there is a crack in the pump.
Both of these damages are often caused by frost, but are relatively easy things to fix (and inexpensive). You can see a video of a pump service and a frost-plug change on the Smart on our Youtube channel, or on our website.
Whilst we are of course not in a position to proclaim that our products are fault-free, at the time of writing we have not found any leaks in an AVA Smart that have been due to weaknesses in the pump. If you think you have a fault that is not related to frost, and which should be covered by warranty, please contact us.
We are currently working on translating and rewriting all of our articles into English from the original Norwegian. Whilst we are proud of the quality of our language skills here at AVA, we are aware that there may be some slightly odd syntax and wording present in the articles that have been translated. The approach we have taken to this translation process is in order to get as much information as possible out to our customers in a timely fashion. Thusly the ongoing revision and updating of these articles by our British-Norwegian team will include slight changes to how the text is put together in order to bring it more into line with correct British English.