This has no bearing on the performance of your machine.
Glitter-like particles in the oil are most often due to normal wear on either pistons or on one of the bearings.
At the start, there will be a number of particles, while this decreases when the engine has run in a bit.
Over time, the particles will settle against the outer edge of the oil chamber and thus cause no damage.
It is normal that the oil, even with some particles in it, can be used for many years without the need for replacement.
Most consumer machines are designed for lifelong use of the same oil, while AVA recommends an oil change after 10 years, with normal use. This is because we want to increase the lifespan of our machines.
We are currently working on translating and rewriting all of our articles into English from the original Norwegian. Whilst we are proud of the quality of our language skills here at AVA, we are aware that there may be some slightly odd syntax and wording present in the articles that have been translated. The approach we have taken to this translation process is in order to get as much information as possible out to our customers in a timely fashion. Thusly the ongoing revision and updating of these articles by our British-Norwegian team will include slight changes to how the text is put together in order to bring it more into line with correct British English.